Lil Einstein encourages family involvement and focuses on building a community of families who support a quality early childhood experience for all children in the Center.
Application Packet 2016-2017
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Kid's Say The Darnest Things
by Playing
Encourage Activity
It might look like just child's play, but toddlers are hard at work learning important physical skills as they gain muscle control, balance, and coordination. Each new skill lets them progress to the next one, building on a foundation that leads to more complicated physical tasks, such as jumping rope, kicking a ball on the run, or turning a cartwheel.
Toddlers always want to do more, which can motivate them to keep trying until they master a new skill, no matter what it takes.
Take advantage of your toddler's natural desire to keep moving. Even at this early age, kids establish patterns of activity that carry through the rest of childhood. So an active toddler is likely to remain active later.